Page 10 - StudyTravel Magazine May/June 2022 Issue
P. 10
DL B)8// 3$*B(1*B*5$),&$ SGI
WorldWide mArCh’s
:+< most reAd stories on
&+226( 1 Institutions off er
courses and scholar-
$1 (1*/,6+ ships for Ukrainian
6&+22/ expanish opens new 2 International education sector grapples
with Ukraine crisis
:+(1 <28 52<$/52$'6 &$ centre in Madrid 3 New Zealand confi rms details of 5,000
panish language provider
international student cohort
Expanish https://expanish.
&$1 +$9( Scom has expanded with a new
& school in Madrid.
The Madrid centre is the third for Expanish, which was founded in UK school off ers free online lessons for
0 4
$1 (17,5( in 2017 with a campus in Barcelona.
< 2006 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and established a presence in Spain Ukrainian children
&0 Expanish Madrid is located in the Salamanca region of the city,
0< three blocks from the Park de Retiro, and housed over two fl oors in 5 Ukraine crisis: comments from the study
&< a recently renovated building. The centre features 11 classrooms travel industry
&0< and a student common area, as well as computers and tablets for
student use.
Agustin Vignale, Director of Expanish, said, “The last few years 6 Visa and application data signal more
have been challenging ones for all in our industry, and I am proud that positive signs for UK HE
%XVLQHVV (QJOLVK 6XPPHU 3URJUDPV Expanish was able to survive and thrive during the worst of it. Madrid
is one of the best destinations to study in Spain, so it was a natural
6XUILQJ 6NLLQJ choice for us to open our third school there.” 7 ILSC and ELS announce merger
0RUH WKDQ D FLW\ english path opens
9LFWRULD LV D VDIH DQG VPDOO FLW\ new centre in Malta 8 Russian agents issue statement as
ZLWK DQ HQWLUH LVODQG DQG DWWUDF lAnguAge tertiAry tests suspended and associations warn
against bans
WLRQV WR H[SORUH LT provider English Path www., part of the
EGlobal Education (Gedu) group, 9 Australian associations look to agents as
has offi cially opened a new campus in Malta, its sixth centre. sector starts recovery
0RUH WKDQ D FODVVURRP English Path was established last year with four schools in the
6WXG\ $SSOLHG /HDGHUVKLS DQG UK and a campus in Dubai, and the new English Path Malta centre MEI to end tuition protection scheme,
– located in St Julian’s - provides students with “a relaxed, seaside
/HDUQ PRUH DERXW (QJOLVK %XVLQHVV (QJOLVK SURJUDPV DW RQH environment in which to improve their English”, the provider said. 10 unveils new policy for members
DQG VXPPHU SURJUDPV RI WKH PRVW EHDXWLIXO XQLYHUVLW\ The school features a rooftop terrace for students with views of
RIIHUHG DW WKH *OREDO /HDUQ the Mediterranean, six classrooms, communal spaces, a library and
LQJ DQG /DQJXDJH &HQWUH ORFDWLRQV LQ &DQDGD student study area, and a dedicated student services offi ce on site. Read full news stories online...
Read more at:
May/June 2022 7