Page 5 - StudyTravel Magazine May/June 2022 Issue
P. 5
by Matthew Knott, News Editor
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ukraine war impacts on sector
lAnguAge secondAry tertiAry AssociAted
he war in Ukraine has had a major Ukraine during the invasion, and insti- Boycotts: Early in the war, a
impact on international educa- tutions, agencies and governments group of more than 30 Ukrainian agen-
Ttion, with agents fl eeing the were involved in evacuation eff orts. cies issued a joint statement to edu-
country for safety, students evacu- In the fi rst two weeks, two students cation partners, calling for a boycott
ated, calls for boycotts, and measures were reported to have been killed, and of Russian businesses and agencies.
of support for displaced people. there were reports of students being Access at:
agents: Ukrainian agents told ST stranded in cities such as Kharkiv and Relatively few institutions appear
Magazine about their experiences. Kherson. Some students also reported to have publicly committed to a pause
“We were in Kharkiv under bom- discrimination in attempts to leave in recruitment of Russian students,
bardment. Kharkiv was the most Ukraine, and the UN High Commission- although some universities have
beautiful city in Ukraine; we have er for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, said, suspended exchange and research
nothing now, soldiers destroyed his- “At this critical juncture there can be collaborations with Russian counter-
torical and modern buildings, universi- no discrimination against any person parts. However, English test operators
ties and schools,” said Natalia Pilgui, or any group.” ETS, IELTS and Pearson, announced
Director of Only English. “I managed to Support for ukrainian suspensions of operations in Russia.
escape from Kharkiv; the trip was long students: Governments made International House World Organisa-
and exhausting... my husband wasn’t concessions for existing student tion also confi rmed a suspension of
allowed to cross the borders because visa holders and European countries affi liation for Russia-based members.
of the martial law. I had to take my two passed laws enabling tuition-free In late March, a group of 36 Russian
kids and cross the borders without access to mainstream education for agencies, led by association AREA,
him. We went to Budapest, before refugees. At the time of writing, the published a statement to international
heading for Malta.” UNHCR estimated 4.2 million people education partners, expressing thanks
Helen Khilkova, General Manager of had left Ukraine. for continued support for students.
DonStream, continued to work, sup- UK College of English launched Read more here:
porting parents and students and pro- a volunteer scheme to provide free
viding translations, but ultimately had online lessons for Ukrainian children,
to depart Khiv. “It has been an exercise and Oxford International Educa-
of solidarity and global support. I think tion Group off ered two free online
that now we are even stronger in our programmes. Associations including
desire to show to the new generations FDSV (Germany) and FELTOM (Malta)
of students that there is a future and reported on members’ support eff orts.
they must keep going.” Read or add In higher education, universities
more accounts at off ered scholarships, tuition waivers
Students in ukraine: Around and living stipends. Read more or add
75,000 international students were in details of off ers here:
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