Page 14 - StudyTravel Magazine May/June 2022 Issue
P. 14

aGenCy SuRvey

         niColA hAnCoX

         -editor                                              average business increase by
                                                              sector between 2020 and 2021

         With agents unable to consult face-to-
         face or meet new schools at fairs or
         conferences, there was greater reliance on                         11%             LanGuaGe
         online recruitment methods in 2021. Word-              0%
         of-mouth also increased in prevalence when
         attracting new student clients.                                      TeRTIaRy

            How have your recruitment                                             due to the Covid-19
            methods changed in 2021?                                           pandemic, which of the
                                                                                  following measures
                                                                                        have agencies
                      “Held                                                       introduced in 2021?
                  online meet-
                 ings, prepared
                brief informative
                 online leafl ets
                   summarising                                 12.5% Laid off  staff
                                                               12.5% Closed branches permanently
                                                                 19% Used government help to pay staff
                      “We                                        31% Closed offi  ces temporarily
                    changed                                    62.5% Taken part in an online conference
                  our method
                  of dealing
                with more sub               Have commission rates           How do agencies
                  agencies”                 changed between 2020            recruit students?
                                            and 2021?

                         closed our                                            40% WORd-Of-MOuTH
                        offi ce tempo-
                      rarily and talk
                       to students on
                         the phone                                              23%  Website
                            only”                                                9%  Student fairs
                                                                                 7%  Social media
                  “We                                                            1%  Advertising in press
                use more                                                         1%  Email/online marketing
             digital tools                                                       1%  Repeat bookings
             and organised                       73%  Stayed the same            1%  Seminars to students
                virtual                           9%  Increased                  1%  Sub agencies
                 fairs"                          18%  Decreased                 16%  Other

         Thank you to the agencies who participated in our survey.
         The full list can be found at:

                                                    May/June 2022                                        11
   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19