Page 7 - StudyTravel Magazine May/June 2022 Issue
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new working holiday scheme australia looks to agents as data
launched in Bournemouth shows further impact
lAnguAge AssociAted lAnguAge secondAry tertiAry
new study, travel and work nternational education associations are look-
experience scheme has been ing for agents to support recovery strategies,
A launched in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. Ias the latest industry data shows the Covid
The Youth Mobility Scheme Working Holiday Project is a col- impact in 2021, but signs of bounce back.
laboration between the International Education Association (IEA) At a special webinar, Brett Blacker, CEO of and the BH Area Hospitality English Australia
Association (BAHA). Taking advantage of the UK’s Youth Mobility au, said, “We have to be really critical in close
Scheme - open to 18-to-30 year olds from 11 countries, including relations, and working with quality agents is
Japan, Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan - the project provides English paramount.” Toshi Kawaguchi, Director of Study
language courses at one of the eight accredited schools in IEA, fol- NSW, appealed to agents to
lowed by paid employment placements in the hospitality sector. help to spread the message of the investments
Guido Schillig, Chair of the IEA, said, “The Bournemouth, that Study NSW and other states have made and
Christchurch and Poole area is a great place to come to live, learn the free support that is available to students.
and work. The new Youth Mobility Scheme Working Holiday pro- Read more and access the video:
gramme will create a lasting legacy for international candidates Data for 2021 released by Australia’s Depart-
to experience the best of British life and culture and improve their ment for Education, Skills and Employment,
language skills.” Agents can get full details at: showed a 17 per cent overall decrease in student
visa students to 570,626, and a 28.3 per cent
decline in commencements, compared with
BROWnS acquired by 2020. It should be noted that the data includes
Monarch Institute enrolled student visa holders who were outside
lAnguAge tertiAry Australia, thought to be around 30 per cent of
the total. See more at:
ustralian ELT and vocational English Australia released the findings of its
school BROWNS https:// 2021 Q4 quarterly ELICOS Market Insights Report, has been acquired by Melbourne- and for those that also completed 2020 Q4,
headquartered tertiary education provider Monarch Institute. there was a 47.3 per cent decrease in students.
Monarch CEO, Nick Chapman, said, “The addition of BROWNS However, Brett noted a 34 per cent increase
comes after an extensive search of the education market and at in student visas granted in 2021 across all
the cusp of the rebuild and redevelopment of the international sectors, and an 82 per cent increase in offshore
sector.” Former Owner Richard Brown will continue to work with student visa grants in 2021 for English study.
Monarch as an advisor during transition, and said, “I am excited by December 2021, the month in which Australia
this opportunity, which will significantly enhance both businesses, reopened to students, saw the highest number
and by the prospect of being able to re-energise and further of student visas lodged since before the
cement BROWNS’ reputation and traditions.” pandemic. Read more at:
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