Page 17 - StudyTravel Magazine May/June 2022 Issue
P. 17

SeCOndaRy fOCuS

               ahead. I do also believe that
               post-Covid-19 travel costs are
               a lot higher at the moment so
         students are factoring this into
         their planning.” Robin Stewart
         from William Colenso
         College https://colenso. in New
         Zealand adds, “I am
         not expecting more
         than three-to-
         four long-term
         students this
         year and only                                     We know that agents
         a moderate
         increase next                                     account for most of
         year. There may be
         more short-term                                   our international
         students who, from
         July, can enter from                              student enrolments
         non-visa countries on
         a visitor’s permit to study
         for up to three months.”                                          Photos: Moreton Bay College
           Leeanne Moriarty from
         Mercedes College www.mercedes. in Australia says that   Keeping in touch
         while uncertainty remains she is   with agents
         seeing some encouraging signs that
         confi dence to study abroad is growing.   While borders were closed, communi-  Michael Bos from Moreton Bay
         “Like most countries, the guidelines   cation between secondary providers   College adds, “We have kept engaged
         change often and can be confusing,”   in New Zealand and Australia with   with agents who have always been
         she says. “I also think parents are   agents was still very active, accord-  supportive and optimistic. We have
         worried about Covid-19 fl are ups.   ing to the schools that took part in   engaged agents through online
         As the year progresses, there has   this article. Leeanne Moriarty from   events, Zoom meetings, newsletters,
         been more and more confi dence    Mercedes College explains that the   emails and training sessions. We
         from families enquiring at Mercedes.   boundary between personal and   know that agents account for most of
         The diff erence in attitude from early   business relationships has been very   our international student enrolments
         January to what I am experiencing a   much blurred over the last two years.   so continuing to engage and support
         few months later, shows that parental   “I have kept in touch electronically   our agents has been vital in the
         confi dence is building.”         and by sending information in the   recovery plan.”
             Providers in Australia and New   post, as well as just enquiring about   Many schools agree that agents
         Zealand are agreed that increased   the agent partners’ wellbeing. Some   will be critical in recovering inter-
         levels of certainty would help the   of them I have known for up to 17   national student recruitment to
         market recover quickly over the next   years, so I am genuinely interested   pre-Covid levels. Patrick Lau from
         12 months. Hugh Russell from New   in how they, and their families, are. It   Macleans College https://www.
         Plymouth Boys’ High School www.   was no use contacting them con- in New Zea- in New Zealand says,   stantly or being demanding asking for   land says, “As China, Hong Kong and
         “Agents require certainty of our border   enrolments all the time. I just wanted   Taiwan are our main markets, parents
         setting going forward. Politically the   to let them know I am still here and   are still very hesitant to send their
         New Zealand government cannot     Mercedes College is still here, for   young kids overseas in view of the
         aff ord to lock international students   when they need us again. Luckily,   prevailing Covid-19 situation in New
         out of the country for any longer.”   they are needing us again and the   Zealand. We think markets will be        enquiries are fl ooding in!”     about 50 per cent in 2023.”

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