Page 13 - StudyTravel Magazine August 2024 Issue & Star Awards 2024 Supplement
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With the benefits of nature for physical and
mental health well recognised, some secondary
schools around the world successfully
incorporate the outdoors into their every day
school curriculum, as Bethan Norris finds out.
or some secondary schools scrambling,” says Bethany. “We also to enhance the learning opportuni-
around the world, outdoor educa- offer a vocational NCFE course in ties for their students are clear about
Ftion has been a key focus in the Outdoor Adventure and Sport for sixth the benefits that the outdoors can
curriculum for many years. Bethany formers as part of our IB programme. offer. At Sidcot School www.sidcot.
O’Flaherty from Windermere School Pupils in pre-school, reception, year in the UK, Joy Cheung says in the one and two take part in Forest School that outdoor learning has taken place
UK explains, “Outdoor learning has sessions each week to build the foun- since the school’s inception. She
been an integral part of our curricu- dations needed for Adventure.” explains, “Outdoor learning offers a
lum since 1898, expanding over the At Pickering College www. multitude of benefits for students,
years as we increasingly recognise the in Canada, significantly enhancing their mental
benefits of nature-based education.” the school’s location means that health. Immersing in nature reduces
She continues, “Situated in the heart the great outdoors can be used as a stress, anxiety and depression,
of the English Lake District, a UNESCO natural classroom for pupils. William providing a serene environment away
World Heritage Site, surrounded by Waugh says, “Pickering College is from the usual academic pressures.
mountains and with outstanding very fortunate to have a beautiful The physical activity involved also
facilities, including our own private 35-acre campus with many green boosts endorphin levels, promoting a
water sports centre, Windermere spaces, and a nearby 75-acre farm. sense of well-being and happiness.
School is ideally placed for those with Outdoor learning is integrated into Additionally, the break from screens
a passion for the outdoors.” the curriculum at all levels on both and traditional classroom settings
At Windermere School, children of properties, with opportunities for fosters mindfulness and a stronger
all ages are given the chance students to explore the connection with the natural world,
to take part in outdoor biodiversity of plants, which is crucial for maintaining a bal-
activities as part of engage in leadership anced mental state. For international
their school life. activities, learn from students, who often face the added
“Our pupils enjoy interdisciplinary stress of adjusting to a new culture
Adventure lessons units on maple and language, outdoor learning can
from year three tapping and be a particularly effective way to
and all the way chicken hatching, alleviate mental strain and promote
through their and design and emotional resilience.”
school journey. build sustainable Schools that have a strong empha-
This includes outdoor sis on outdoor learning say that their
things such as structures.” international families often appreciate
rock climbing, water Schools that have this aspect of their school once they
sports, hiking and ghyll a focus on using nature learn about it. Joyce says, “Agents
10 STUDYTRAVEL MAGAZINE Photo left: Windermere School, Photo top: Sidcot School