Page 25 - StudyTravel Magazine July 2014 Issue
P. 25
voCational FoCuS VETERinARy SCiEnCE
Veterinary science
Studying veterinary science overseas at a multiple-accredited college can unlock many opportunities for a
student in their future career, as Georgina Deacon finds out.
student hoping to study on a field. According to Denisa Stefanakova, the (EAEVE) and also of the International
programme related to veterinary university offers a six-year degree for second- Veterinary Student Association (IVSA).”
science must ensure that they ary school graduates and a four-year post-BSc Founded in 1862, the Ontario Veterinary
a et entry requirements by programme in agricultural, veterinary or College (OVC) at the
having the relevant qualifications and work biological sciences. Both lead to a Doctor of University of Guelph in Canada offers a four-
experience, as well as an appropriate level of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree. year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
English language proficiency. Courses at UVMP are taught in degree to international students comprising
At the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) English and are accredited by the courses including: Veterinary Anatomy;, University of London, Nina Accreditation Committee, established Principles of Disease; and Equine Medicine
Davies, Director of RVC Access, explains by the Slovakian government in 1990. and Surgery. “OVC offers a rich and intense
that they have a five-year Bachelor’s degree “Students are taught by highly educated learning environment to students, with fac-
in veterinary medicine called the BVetMed professionals with great theoretical knowl- ulty and administration sharing like-minded
aimed at students who come directly from edge and long-term practical experi- ideas on furthering animal care, research and
high school. The college also offers an ence,” explains Stefanakova. “Today, the innovative teaching methodologies,” says Dr
accelerated degree called the BVetMed Peter Conlon, Associate Dean of Students.
Accelerated Programme, to be completed “All students need to Out of the 120 students OVC accepts
in four years, “aimed at graduates with a have high levels of per year, 15 places are given to international
degree in pre-vet or biomedical sciences”, students, although applicants must have
highlights Davies. “We have been running a English proficiency” completed at least two years of a full-time
version of the BVetMed since 1791.” undergraduate degree in specific courses and
Accredited by the Royal College of university is attended by undergraduates work experience. “Most of the international
Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) in the UK and postgraduates from the USA, Ireland, students are from the USA, but we also
and also the American Veterinary Medical Malta, Germany, Israel and other countries have students from Israel, Malaysia, China,
Association (AVMA), the main areas of from all over the world.” She also reports Singapore, Lebanon and the Bahamas,”
study in RVC’s degree courses are: Basic that many students return to their home highlights Elizabeth Lowenger, Manager
Science; Animal Husbandry; Extra Mural countries after studying to work in their of Student Affairs. Students are required to
Studies (practical placement); Clinical respective fields. have an Ielts score of 6.5 or higher, with no
Science; Clinical Skills; Clinical Extra At the CEU Cardenal Herrera band less than 6.
Mural Studies; Intramural Rotations; and University in Valencia, The college is accredited by the
a Research Project. “These components are Spain, Ricardo Merí de la Maza says that AVMA and Canadian Veterinary Medical
delivered through an innovative integrated their five-year veterinary programme is Association (CVMA). “OVC graduates can
curriculum through various teaching and the most popular course with interna- be licensed in these countries, giving gradu-
learning methods from lectures, to directed tional students. He explains, “It is the only ates a spectrum of opportunities,” highlights
learning sessions, to practical placements,” Veterinary Faculty in Spain with three Conlon. The same can be said for the RVC
explains Davies. international lines of degree: Spanish, in the UK accredited by the AVMA; gradu-
The top five source countries at the French and English. Our faculty is a ates can work in North America without
PHotoS: royal veterinary College, univerSity oF london, uK students on our programmes,” Davies states. Marketing
college are USA, Canada, Hong Kong,
the need for extra exams or clinical training.
member of the European Association of
Establishments for Veterinary Education
Singapore and Malaysia. “We take an
average of 15-to-20 per cent international
“All students need to have high levels of
ricardo Merí de la Maza states that Ceu Cardenal Herrera university in Spain expands its agent
English language proficiency (7 for Ielts),
network every year to new country markets. “We have advisors mainly for the new english line
high academic qualifications, as well as
in the uK, ireland and northern european countries. our collaboration with recruitment agencies
some prior experience volunteering/working
is quite recent, coming from the last five years and starting with the asian market for the english
taught programmes.”
in an animal environment.” She says that
at the royal veterinary College at the university of london in the uK, nina davies explains, “We
additional ESL support is provided by the
do a lot of education fairs from British Council to the CiS, private and organised group recruitment
college should any student require it.
visits to schools and universities.”
elizabeth lowenger at ontario veterinary College at the university of guelph in Canada, high-
The University of Veterinary Medicine
lights, “Social media outreach has also become very important. More and more international students
and Pharmacy (UVMP) in
contact the college with questions about applying to the college each year and our social media
Košice is the only institution in Slovakia
team is very quick to respond.”
offering higher education in the veterinary
july 2014 | Study travel Magazine | 23