Page 24 - StudyTravel Magazine July/August 2021 Issue
P. 24


                                                                            Reaching out

                                                                            Powerful partnerships have been
                                                                            forged or developed within the
                                                                            international pathway sector over
                                                                            the past year to help boost busi-
                                                                            ness, with increased online col-
                                                                            laboration also helping schools and
                                                                            their agency partners to weather
                                                                            the storm of the pandemic and
                                                                            remain optimistic.
                                                                               Bogie comments, “ILAC has
                                                                            always been a culture of positivity,
                                                                            but over the past year we became
                                                                            focused on promoting possibilities:
                                                                            for our students, for our part-
                                                                            ners, for our teachers, staff and
                                                                            community.” She continues, “To
                                                                            raise people’s spirits and keep the
                                                                            momentum going, in 2020, we also
                                                                            hosted over 80 free virtual agent
                                                                            and student workshops, meeting
                                                                            with thousands of students and
                                                                            partners around the world.”
                                                                               F+U Academy of Languages has
         Physics/Chemistry as subjects to then  online foundation programme with   increased its participation in B2B
         progress to Engineering.”        partner university, iba, to cover   online conferences, webinars and
           Bogie also describes the last year   the language and subject-specific   Q&A sessions, as well as B2C online
         as a time of innovation for the school   preparation for dual work and Bachelor   events organised by its partners,
         and its core business. “While the world  degree courses in Germany.  notes Carolin. She adds, “We have
         was sleeping, ILAC transitioned from   ILSC has also been busy over the   also been trying out different
         being an in-person English language   past year. The school has launched   online platforms – aside from Zoom
         school to becoming the ILAC Education  new transnational partnership pro-  – to make events more interactive
         Group,” she says. “In a single year,   grammes including the ILSC Seoul   and interesting.”
         ILAC developed a higher education   campus - in partnership with edm   Nadine says, “This past year,
         division with three colleges, launched   Education - and a new dedicated   we’ve pivoted to using more online
         two public-private partnerships,   university pathway campus, as well   technology to reach our agents,
         opened a virtual school and became   as an ILSC High School programme - in   and have been not only attend-
         an official IELTS testing centre.”  partnership with TVO ILC - to deliver   ing online events, but proactively
           New pathway initiatives introduced   high school credits and help students   delivering online fairs, webinars,
         by ILAC include ongoing and free   transition into higher education.  and ‘lives’ to stay in close collabo-
         Canada Partnership Forums (CPFs)                                   rative contact with our networks.
         in every market for its college and   Encouraging enrolments       The ease of using these digital
         university partners to provide updates                             communication tools has resulted
         on pathways to top programmes, and   With a range of new pathway pro-  in both agent and higher education
         the launch of the Canadian Edge global  grammes on offer this year, schools   partners being more willing and
         agency to support direct entry (with   around the world look ahead to a   able to participate.”
         IELTS/TOEFL) to ILAC’s partner post-  period of recovery as borders reopen.  Meanwhile, the GV advising team
         secondary institutions.             Bogie notes that during the pan-  has been attending live virtual
           In Germany, Carolin Kemen at   demic, ILAC’s pathway programme was   agent fairs, as well as coordinating
         F+U Academy of Languages www.    its most popular course due       “virtual tours” and “class observa- in Heidelberg,   to the “Start at home, finish in   tions” for agents wanting a taste of
         says the school developed a special   Canada” ethos behind it, with   GV’s hybrid classroom, adds Paula.

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