Page 31 - StudyTravel Magazine July 2014 Issue
P. 31

SPeCial rePort PoST-STUDy WoRK

         it is a bit advantage for their biography/  among students from China, eastern   would not stay in the country if all he can
         Cv upon returning home.” as Pitman   europe and turkey.               find is a pizza delivery job.”
         says, “international students want to put                                So are destinations doing enough to
         their academic skills they’ve developed   Benefit to the host         retain talent? Mobile Talent found that
         into practice…So it’s less that they see   the Mobile Talent? report argues that   less than one on five students felt “well-
         it as a right, and more that they want   international graduates are desirable   informed” about their rights, suggesting
         the opportunity to participate in a global   immigrations and highly likely to be net   countries should be more explicit about
         business environment.” eren göker,   contributors, with attributes such as locally   opportunities. the report also said that
         President of turkish agency association   relevant education and a demonstrated   in non-english speaking countries with
         ued, says, “the number   familiarity with the host country’s culture,   english programmes, there was often a
         of students applying for a permanent   language, practices and regulations.   subsequent language barrier when it came
         position is very low compared to the ones   Moreover, international students can   to PSW, a point acknowledge by the danish
         returning to their home country.”   cover skills shortages. the House of lords   action plan with a pledge to provide more
            in Mobile Talent?, PSW was cited   report states, “the uK desperately needs   english information. the House of lords
         as a more important factor than work   engineers, for example, to help grow the   report suggested that negative perceptions
         during study, an assertion supported   economy. it is self-defeating to have a   caused by the uK’s rhetoric on immigration
         by our agency survey (see box), while   system in place which deters international   blurred the strong offer that still exists,
         among those intending to remain the   SteM students from contributing to uK   while Humphries relates that Canada
         most frequently cited planned length of   PlC.” göker, meanwhile, plays down some   has benefited from a clear message and
         stay was one to two years. identifying the   of the risks that governments perceive.   unified national branding, including PSW
         characteristics of the ‘stayers’, the report   “the immigration departments should   opportunities. as Honeywood says, “For
         said they were more likely to be younger,   know that the risk is not international   any country that mobilises full fee-paying
         to have had work experience already in the   students, the risk is uneducated migrants.   students, if they can provide internships
         country, to have studied in their first choice   Students only consider staying in the   and course-related work experience
         country, and be studying in the SteM   country if they can find a good job and are   opportunities, they will stand to benefit.”
         technical fields. desire to stay was highest   paid well enough. a mechanical engineer

          agents on post-study work rights

           Are post-study work    Have clients ever based   Is work during or after   Most popular destination for students
           rights an important con-  HE destination choice on   study more important for   interested in PSW (multiple answers possible)
           sideration for students in   the ability to work after   students in your market?
           your market?           graduation?                                  Aus-   49%
                      86%                    76%                   49%         canada 46%  usa 18%   ireland 7%
                       yes                    yes                  after       uK  21%  new Zealand 9%
                      14%                    24%                   25%         What changes have you noticed in relation to
                                                                               post-study work rights and demand for HE?
                       no                     no                   during       Decline in interest   56%
                                                                                for the uK
          Based on an STM survey of 43 agents working in   no answer 14%       increase for australia 12%
          higher education recruitment                   equal importance 12%  increase for canada 7%

          STM’S SuRvEy oF AGENTS working in higher   the importance of permanent migration was   Portugal said, “Students are able to travel freely to
          education revealed that 86 per cent believed PSW   less clear. although 70 per cent said they have been   places such as the uK and throughout europe, and
          to be an important consideration. lars garvik   asked about the possibility of residence, this was   are not restricted in the same way by post-study
          of Study abroad agency in Sweden says, “For   mostly with the caveat of being rare or infrequent.   work rights.” Magdalena Pilecka at albion House
          some students it is still important to know at least   a differentiation within markets was clear. For   agency in Poland highlights an important consider-
          that they have the opportunity to stay and work   example, for Future World agency, headquartered   ation: “the work rights are not the same as work
          after graduation.” eren göker at turkish agency   in Bangladesh with branches in nepal, Bhutan, Sri   possibilities,” she says, adding Polish students
          association ued agrees, adding a positive package   lanka and the Maldives, 90 per cent of clients are   know they have better chances in the eu.
          of work rights is a useful marketing tool in the   interested in this stream, says zakir Hossain.   global study abroad agency idP education
          counselling process. as nathalie Mariategui of   australia and Canada were the preferred regularly tracks student percep-
          viaja y estudia in Peru explains, PSW helps to re-  destinations for students interested in PSW, while   tions, and a Buyer Behaviour survey in 2012
          cover costs. “Students prefer to apply in countries   over half of the agents thought interest in the uK   revealed quality of education (16 per cent) and
          where they can apply their new knowledge and   had declined. “We have no demand for the uK cur-  international recognition of qualifications (17 per
          can recover quicker their investment with better   rently due to work restrictions and no PSW route,”   cent) as the key drivers for postgraduate students,
          salaries.” Michael joop of iCCe in Brazil, draws   said dr osamah Qureshi at iCd agency in Pakistan.   while destination employment opportunities was
          distinctions between different types of students,   “demand for australia is increased due to liberal   third on 12 per cent. at undergraduate level this
          with PSW not usually a demand for richer, well-  australian policies for work rights.” an advantage   factor was key for only seven per cent, perhaps
          connected students, while mostly only students   identified by eu-based contributors was free   indicating the work is still a more distant consid-
          with higher qualifications are interested.   movement. natalia Barata at See learning Centre in   eration for undergraduate students.
         Thank you to the following agents for taking part in the survey: active english, Kyrgyzstan; albion House, Poland; array globe, india; Bellaz education services, nige-
         ria; Blue studies, australia; ciae intercambios, Brazil; contacto canada, Mexico & colombia; dec education, ukraine; d-side, Japan; dtu corp., vietnam; experience
         australia, spain; Future education, libya; Future World, Bangladesh; icce, Brazil; global studies, colombia; globo-study sprachreisen, switzerland; HydeFly, thailand;
         icd, Pakistan; igec, saudi arabia; internacional de estudios, spain; iQra consultants, uK & Pakistan; libra, georgia; Michael eyres språktjänster, sweden; Monarco
         viaggi studiolingue, italy; Moves international, libya; oK estudante, Portugal; Patricia natalicchio, italy; Plus education career, turkey; ready For you, Malta; redca
         cursos en el extranjero, Mexico; see learning center, Portugal; streamline education, Belarus; student visa, ecuador; study abroad, sweden; study British english
         company, uK; study tours, chile; svetlana-s, russia; tieca, thailand; usos optimus, Hungary; viaja y estudia, Peru; virtue consultancy services, nigeria; Weusa,
         argentina; Wintech, Japan.

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