Page 70 - StudyTravel Magazine April 2018 Issue
P. 70

WWW.STUDYTRAVEL.NETWORK                             STUDENT SURVEY                    STUDYTRAVEL MAGAZINE APRIL 2018

 &KRRVH 4XDOLW\                                       Student Survey:

 927(' %(67   *5($7 9$/8(           6$)(
 /$1*8$*(   )25 021(<  :(/)$5(   (1*/,6+
 6&+22/ ,1   3529,'(' 72   63($.,1*
 0$/7$  678'(176  '(67,1$7,21   Thank you to the schools who   Malta
 :,7+       +2856   participated in our student survey.
 2) 6816+,1(
 3(5 <($5  The full list can be found at:
         studentsurvey-apr18                 171 students from 26 different countries took part
                                 in our survey of English language schools in Malta.

          STUDENTS’ REGION                 REASONS FOR                      HOW DID YOU FIND OUT
          OF ORIGIN                        LEARNING ENGLISH                 ABOUT YOUR SCHOOL?

 &217$&7 86    31% Latin America  2% Middle East  53% Current or future work  44% Recommended by an agent
 LQIR#HVH HGX FRP  24% Western Europe  1% Africa  17% For pleasure only     32% On the internet
 3DFHYLOOH $YHQXH  6W -XOLDQV ¥ 0$/7$   21% Asia   1% No reply  16% University/college studies at home  22% Recommended by friend/relative
          20% Central & Eastern            12% Further studies in another English-  2% Advertised
          Europe                           speaking country
                                           2% Further studies in Malta

 :9&                    LATIN AMERICA         CURRENT OR FUTURE WORK                       RECOMMENDED BY
 pg!pvs!bhfou                                                                                 AN AGENT
 sfbefst!ibwf            31%                       53%
 92&  sfdphojtfe!csboet                                                                      44%
 pg!pvs!bhfou!  bewfsujtjoh!jo
 sfbefst!ibwf!  TuvezUsbwfm  AVERAGE AGE  Average
 sftqpoefe!  Nbhb{jof+                   class size                    % of students
                                                                       staying in
 up!bewfsut!jo!                                                        residential
 TuvezUsbwfm!               29                                         (dormitory)             40%
 Nbhb{jof+                    YEARS                                    accommodation
          % OF COURSES                                   STUDENTS
            BOOKED VIA AN AGENT                                        % of students who
                                                                       would recommend their
                                          % of students who thought
          % OF STUDENTS WHO               that there were just the right
         HAD PREVIOUSLY BEEN ON           number of students and mix of   % of students who found
                                          nationalities in the classsroom
           A STUDY ABROAD TRIP                                         it quite or very easy to
 +Tpvsdf;!TUN!Sfbefs!Tvswfz!3128                                       practise English with local
                            35%                  69.5%                                         60%

 66                                                                                                     67
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75