Page 41 - StudyTravel Magazine April 2018 Issue
P. 41
money circulating, so clients are more confi dent in that the UK used to be their third-most popular des- The British Museum.
investing again in studying abroad.” tination but has now slipped to sixth place. Similarly, Another of our classrooms.
However, some agencies experienced growth the USA is also sliding down the rankings.
London's great museums and art galleries are an important part of
even at the height of the economic crisis. Paulo Gras- While favourable price is one of the main reasons our teaching programme. And since most of our schools are within easy
reach of the capital, we're able to organise visits on a weekly basis.
si, Director of World Place Intercâmbio & Turismo catapulting Canada to the top of the destination For full details visit:, reports that from 2015 to league table, the opportunity to apply for a perma-
2016, their numbers increased by 18 per cent, and nent residence in Canada after studying is another.
then by 27 per cent from 2016 to 2017. “The main “We have a high quality of Brazilian professionals
reasons for the Brazilian market to have grown in the – engineers, managers, IT people – looking to move
midst of a major crisis was precisely the crisis,” he to Canada to have a better quality of life for their
says. “Many of our clients lost their jobs because of families,” reports Flavio.
the crisis and realised that to stay employable they Other destinations to benefi t from their compara-
should study more, and speak a second language.” tively low cost of living are Ireland, Malta and South
Thiago España at Worldstudy www.worldstudy. Africa. According to StudyTravel Magazine statistics, agrees. He says that the demand for profes- Brazilians made up the largest single nationality in
sional qualifi cations has grown as unemployment has terms of student weeks in both Ireland and South Af-
increased. He adds, “The crisis in Brazil increased rica in 2016. According to Francine Mendonça at Lon-
the number of people wanting to emigrate and donhelp4U, “the prices
decreased the number of short-term programmes.” in Malta are generally up to 40 per cent lower than in
Lara Crivelaro from EFIGIE Projetos Educacionais major European centres. It makes all the difference”.
www.efi also notes an increased interest Ireland also benefi ts from favourable work rights.
for “courses that are specifi c to a certain industry”. International students engaged in full-time study of at
“With the current economic and political situation least one year on a course leading to a qualifi cation Accommodation
of Brazil, more students are searching for a means which is recognised by the Irish Department of Edu-
of having a career abroad and are not just looking for cation and Skills currently do not need a work permit perfect for groups
a small course,” confi rms Vanessa Vargas at Casil to work in Ireland. “There has been an increase in
Intercâmbios the demand of programmes to South Africa and Book for summer /
In tandem with the trend towards improving em- Ireland, which has to do with the fact that Brazilians
ployability, agencies have also noted a rise in demand do not need visas to enter these countries and also Locations in major cities across
the UK
for higher education courses overseas. This in turn because of how easy it is to legally work in Ireland,”
has helped bump up student weeks. According to confi rms Lara.
hr security with CCTV, staff
Belta, Brazilians spent 82 per cent more on educa- Looking ahead, most agencies, although cautious- and security on-site
tion travel in 2016 than the previous year, which was ly awaiting the outcome of an election in October, Exclusive use of blocks/floors in
largely fueled by demand for longer-term courses. are nevertheless optimistic for 2018 and beyond. buildings (subject to availability)
As well as affecting course demand, the reces- “We expect a year similar to 2017,” says Lara, “small
sion has also shaken up the top rankings in the des- growth in student numbers and a stronger increase Communal areas for socialising
and meetings
tinations league table. Indeed, it is Canada, Ireland, in the number of weeks. Australia and Ireland will
Malta and South Africa that have come out on top, increase, Canada probably will get stable and other
To enquire contact us
while the USA and the UK have lost a huge share of destinations will continue to increase, slowly.” or visit
the Brazilian market. At Worldstudy, Thiago reports
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